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tamoadmin 2024-08-09
1.马拉松sub3什么意思The world‘s longest track and field - marathon Marathon is a long-d



The world's longest track and field - marathon

Marathon is a long-distance running events, the distance of 42.195 kilometers. The distance events Why does not the whole number? This year 490 BC from Sept. 12 occurred in a campaign talk.

The campaign is the Persians and Athens in Athens from the sea near Marathon took place, eventually won the Athens of the victory of the invasion. In order to let people know as soon as possible victory in the home of good news, commander of a faction called Mile Di Fei Dipi soldiers he to go back and notify the Slovak.

Fei Dipi Rhodes is a well-known "Scud", in order to let people back home know that the good news that he Yige Jin to run when he went to Athens, has been out of breath just said, "We won! "Fell to the floor dead.

To commemorate this event, in 1896, held the first modern Olympic Games, the establishment of a marathon project, the Feidi Pi was a messenger running mileage Sri Lanka - as a race of 42.195 kilometers distance.

Marathon Greece was one of the names. 30 km north-east of Athens. Its source of the Phoenician marathus, which means "fennel", as a result of the growth here and many ancient trees named after the fennel. The sport of marathon of this would he.

Greece Persian War (BC 492 - years ago, 449), 490 BC, the Persian King Darius I cross Hercynian invasion, A Dika attack in the city from the north-east of Athens Marathon bay. Athens forces courageously fought the battle, the Marathon plain in the Persian army defeated. Known as the Battle of Marathon. In order to quickly tell the news to victory in Athens, Greece to send long-distance race winner Ferdinand Andean Bailey (Pheidippides) from Marathon to Athens to run the Central Plaza (42 kilometers the whole 195 meters). In the completion of the speed and distance of 36.2 kilometers to convey the news of the victory, the physical failure fell to the ground died. The miracle of their glorious achievements and become a national hero in Greece.

In 1896, held the first Olympic Games, Pierre de Coubertin adopted the historian Tony Blair (Michel Breal) in the history of this matter to set up a sports building, and a "marathon." Fei Dipi game was followed by a Sri Lankan run the line, about 40 km from the 200 meters. Since then, more than a decade, running the marathon distance has been maintained at around 40 km. 1908 4th Olympic Games held in London, the British royal family to facilitate the staff to watch Marathon, the starting point will be made in the Windsor Palace balcony, in the end the venue of the Olympic movement, the starting point to the end of the distance for the measure by 26 miles 385 yards , Converted into 42.195 km. IAAF later identified as the distance between the standard marathon running distance. The women's marathon carried out late , the 23rd Olympic Games was included in the official competition.

As the marathon in the outdoors in general, more uncertainty, so in January 1, 2004 marathon in the world he been using the best results, there is no record of the world.

In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, the Olympic Games for the first time will be the last men's marathon event at the prize presentation ceremony scheduled for the closing ceremony to be held. It ears in the host Greeks, the Olympic marathon is the "soul", at the closing ceremony for a marathon athlete award is a symbol of the Olympic home. 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, has inherited this practice.


The first Olympic Games in 1896, Marathon to be held in various parts of the world wide, the United States from 18 to be held from Boston Marathon, in 2000 to 104 sessions he been held, the world's oldest marathon. Marathon to be held on the road, may be starting and ending at the same location or routes to and from the beginning, not the end of the same area within a one-way routes. Competition, to be placed along the way has marked the run-km distance license, and every 5 kilometers to set up a station to provide beverages beverage or two drinks a water station between the station and provide drinking water or water. Before the body is subject to health checks, be eligible to enroll in the competition.

Jan 1, 2004, the IAAF announced a new decision: including the marathon, road race and the race will be the world's only bid farewell to the best of times, the beginning of the world record.

IAAF announced the decision after the British long-distance race Radcliffe women he been formally identified as the women's 10 km and 20 km marathon and three of the world record holder, and the Polish section尼奥夫斯基hot day is a man 50 km walk world record of the first owners.

Spiridon Louis - the first marathon title

April 10, 1896 is the first day of the Olympic Games last item - a marathon. Greeks are particularly excited because, which had been carried out in 11 projects, the Greek athletes he not yet received a gold medal, they he all their hopes in the marathon. Before the game, and many Greeks he a wish that if the Greeks are winners, willing to tailor his new clothes, restaurant asked him to free meals, free of charge to Barber him for life would also like to barber.

The game only 25 players, the only Greek player is a soldier, named Spiridon Louis. 25-year-old Lewis is very calm and confident, also on the way occasionally sipping a wine. In the campaign's on-site spectators anxiously awaiting the arrival of the players. Louis 32 kilometers to catch up with and surpassed Australia's Flake, the victory at hand. Lewis is a superior act as the colonel's order. The colonel at the moment to do so at full speed rushed to the stadium, a horse to his box in front of the King, proudly announced: "Spiridon Louis ahead!" At this time the audience was filled with the 70,000 Greek audience. Lewis first eared in the Athens games hall. Crown Prince Constantine and Prince George Lewis in the side, accompanied him finish the final 100 meters. Lewis finally to 2 hours 58 minutes 50 seconds won the championship.

Spiridon Louis won for Greece's only a gold medal for Greece to host the first Olympics for the light. King jump from the box down, like the Arc de Triomphe and the welcome return of the hero as he welcomed. Prince has a gift to him a gold watch. Many Greeks even when the minister asked Lewis ... Lewis ... then I would rather live a simple life and few other people to talk about their glorious history. In 1940, Spiridon Louis's death. Later, the Greek Government To commemorate this great national hero, with his reconstruction of the marble tomb, inscribed with the above and a symbol of five rings of the Olympic Movement.

Men's marathon world record:

Kenya's Te Gaite (Paul Tergat, was born on June 17, 1969), the score of 2 hours 4 minutes and 55 seconds. In September 28, 2003, the third of the 10th Berlin Marathon on creation.

In September 30, 2007 for the Berlin Marathon, the 34-year-old Ethiopian star Haile Gebrselassie to 2 hours 4 minutes 26 seconds to create a new men's marathon world record.

Women's marathon world record: Radcliffe

Britain's Radcliffe women's long-distance race (Paula Radcliffe, was born in December 17, 13) in April 13, 2003, in London to create and score of 2 hours 15 minutes 25 seconds.


In the spring of 492 BC, Persia wants to conquer the beautiful and rich, thriving city-state of Greece. Bo Sipai a large number of ships across the sea and their invasion of Greece, begun in the history of the famous hippo war. There are days of the ominous clouds, the Persian ny at sea was a hurricane, 300 warships, more than 20,000 officers and men all died in the seabed. Persian Army Ny lost the echo, as if a one-armed, who were attacked Thrace, the Persian commander also seriously injured. The invasion of Greece had to give up the military action.

Persian King fly into a rage. The following year, his fantasy Greece surrender without fighting. He sent an emissary to the Greek city-state to be "water and soil," so that they mean to subdue the Persian submission. Greece and Central and northern parts of the small city-state's fear of the Persian empire by force, surrendered to the knees. However, the two largest Greek city-states - Athens and Sparta, how can they lower the first arrogant? Athens people into the Persian emissary from the cliff into the sea, the Spartans into an emissary to the well so that they get their "water and soil."

Darius life has not been such a humiliation, he very angry, he decided to send the most experienced big battle for the second time General Greece. In 490 BC, the Persian army to cross the Aegean Sea, on the outskirts of Athens in the marathon plains and landing. Dangerous situation of Athens, close to mobilize the one hand, stepped up security on the one hand were experts at the time of the long-distance race in South Africa shelter Andean Jiancheng day and night to more than 200 km far from the city-state of Sparta for help. The master long-distance running at an alarming rate used for only one day more than they arrived at Sparta. But the Spartans are provided for by ancestors, not on a round can not send troops refused to send troops on the ground. Fiji shelter in Andean begging, but the Spartans remain indifferent to shelter in South Africa Andean no option but to resume the marathon back to life.

Athens Spartans were not sent troops to hear the news, they do not lose heart, they immediately all citizens to organize themselves, and even sles also incorporated into the army, went to the marathon, to occupy a forable terrain.

Athens according to the law, the Athens 10 in general during the battle in turn should he military power, a day per person. To take major military action after 10 hours prior to discuss general, the last to the principle of majority rule to the resolution. Kaliwusi Captains Regent of the military in Athens under the auspices of the military held a meeting. At around 10 General passive defense, or to take the initiative, launched a fierce debate. One is called sub-meters were too general to take the initiative advocates. Vote, 5 votes to 5. Kaliwusi support of the Captains Regent of the sub-meters were too general. In order to play a sub-meters too can command, and other generals he voluntarily given up their rotation when the commander-in-chief of the rights so that sub-meters were too one full command of the war.

At that time, Athens has 10,000 troops, plus a thousand reinforcements, but a total of 11,000 people. The Persian army of 10 million people, but also well-equipped. In a stronger enemy, a sub-meters too decided not to Yingpin with the enemy, but the front a little longer, the elite infantry in both sides of the front line troops on the weak.

490 BC in the early morning of Sept. 12, the eve of World War II, a sub-too-meter to Greece to mobilize officers and men to do the fighting, he said: "Athens is forever remain free, or put on the yoke of slery, the key is on you." Exciting, he Words to inspire the soldiers of the determination to defend their homeland. Fighting began, the Greek soldiers in the following attack, the Persian army is not total, immediate counterattack. Greek military edge while fighting back, breathing down the neck of the Persian army. At this critical moment in the ambush of soldiers on both sides of the suddenness of a thunderbolt out from both sides of the Persian army attack. Since the Persian army to pursue the Greeks, overstretched, this time in Greece's armed forces surrounded both phase can not care, man hurriedly fled towards the sea, the board would like to run away. Greece Weizhui army to the sea, the Persian army and nal vessels launched to win the battle. Jina Er told a Greek soldier, he rushed warships to seize the hand, the enemy were cut off a hand to hold back his pain, with one hand and to seize the warship, along with his comrades and finally win Of a warship. This fight, leing the 6400 Persian corpses and 7 warships. Athens at the expense of 192 people, including several generals and captains-regent Kaliwusi. In the evening, Sparta sent 2,000 soldiers rushed forward, see the moonlight on the battlefield of corpses everywhere.

Asian rice is too eager to get the victory is anxiously waiting for news of the people of Athens, he selected long-distance running expert shelter in South Africa to send a message to Sri Lanka. The long-distance running at the time experts he been wounded, but, in order to allow fellow citizens to know as soon as possible the news of the victory he desperately running when he went to Athens when the city's central square, has been out of breath, he excitedly shouted To: "Let the joy, Athens, we won!" Just shouting down, he would present a CD, never woke up.

Hippo war continued for nearly half a century. Marathon is a battle against the Greeks and Persians first battle, this battle has greatly encouraged the Greeks to fight for freedom and independence of spirit.

To commemorate the victory of the campaign and due recognition to the shelter was a hero in South Africa Sri Lanka's achievements in 1896, the first in the Athens Olympic Games, provides for a new sports - marathon. Athens is the marathon distance to the distance, according to the then South Africa in Sri Lanka after the shelter was identified as the whole line of 40 kilometers and 200 meters. In 1920, after a careful determination of the distance also be changed to 42 kilometers and 195 meters. South Africa, Sri Lanka was the name of shelter and the Battle of Marathon to the Olympic Games as the torch from generation to generation and retention in the world

Marathon Regulations




足部触地/Foot Strike:跑步时脚触地的方式。一般有前脚掌着地、全脚掌着地和脚根着地。多数人认为前脚掌着地更好,但目前并无定论。

配速/Pace:一般指跑步时每公里的用时。例如在一次五公里跑步训练中全程用了“五分钟每公里”的配速匀速跑完,则全程用时 25 分钟。

跑前热身运动/Warm Up:跑前 5-20 分钟的热身运动可以提高心率和血液循环,减少受伤的风险。具体的活动可以是快走、慢跑或者动态拉伸。

跑后缓和运动/Cool Down:跑完后的放松活动,帮助身体恢复常态。

步频/Cadence:步伐的频率,每分钟的步伐数。研究表明最有效的步频是 180 步。

5K/10K:五千米、十千米的缩写。K 指千米 / 公里。

Mile:英里,英美等国使用的长度单位。下次再看见英里时只要记住 1 英里约等于 1.6 公里就行了。

马拉松/Marathon:这个没人不知道吧。具体长度 42.195 公里,或 26.2 英里。


法特莱克训练法/Fartlek:看上去很高端,实际并不复杂。Fartlek 是瑞典语中变速跑的意思,指在一次跑步训练中交替使用快、慢的速度。如果觉得大量的匀速跑非常无聊,可以尝试这种方式来提高速度和耐力。

轻松跑/Easy Run:不记时间、距离的轻松的跑步。

恢复跑/Recovery Run:在完成一项艰苦的跑步活动后(如参加一次半马)的同一天进行的恢复性的跑步。

推进速度/turn over run :主要为了提高轻松跑的速度。增加两腿交换的效率。20-30米冲刺跑10趟,100米跨步跑12趟或200米快速跑八趟,一个礼拜最少练一次,可于轻松跑后做。但是不要在强度练习后或者LSD的同一天做。

变速跑/间歇跑SI/Speed Intervals:由瑞典人古斯塔夫?迈赫尔所创,又名“法特莱特跑”。训练时运动员利用自然环境,交替进行行走、慢跑、快跑,同时根据自己的主观感受决定加速、减速的时间和距离,适合体质较好或者有一定基础的长跑爱好者,通过变换速度,不仅可以加强人体耐力,而且能显著提高速度,对人体机能的全面发展大有益处。

最大有氧跑/VO2 max:顾名思义VO2 MAX是提高最大吸氧容量的练习,一般来说全力奔跑3-5公里距离时的速度是最大有氧跑,对于10公里或更短以内距离赛事的帮助效果特别显著。而5公里、10公里的速度是直接反映在马拉松成绩上的。

上坡跑/hill run:练习上下山坡,慢或快速交叉进行,能增强四头肌、小腿部、臀部、屈肌和臀肌肉的使用技巧和力量,在保持跑步速度上效果显著。

节奏跑/乳酸门槛跑/tempo run:乳酸是人体在运动过程中产生的一种物质,会使肌肉呈酸性,最终导致疲劳。节奏跑是取合理的速度奔跑,使身体恰好处在一个临界点上,有乳酸产生,但是量很小。这样长时间的配速训练会有效提高身体去除乳酸的能力和效率,意即乳酸门槛提高了,这也就意味着下次以相同速度跑步时,将不会有那么多的乳酸堆积在肌肉当中,运动员得以在疲劳前跑得更快更远。节奏跑最大的特别是均匀的速度,均衡有力,以最省力的方式达到最高效率,从而取得最好的成绩。

长距离慢跑LSD/Long Slowly Sistance:一般是指20公里或以上的距离,是一种全程保持匀速,感觉比较轻松的训练方式,全程马拉松目标在三个半小时以外的跑者,以比赛速度进行即可,而目标在三个小时以内的跑者,每公里用时一般比正式比赛时慢20-50秒,训练目的是提高肌肉力量、耐力和有氧跑步能力,可以培养对长距离的耐心、勇气和信心。某种程度上讲,LSD的心理作用甚至比生理作用更大。


PB/PR:Personal Best/Record,个人最好成绩。没有什么比创造PB更让人兴奋的了。

兔子 /Rabbit:跑步赛事中的领跑员。一般是志愿者,他们对自己速度和节奏控制较好,在赛事活动中起到领跑的作用,可以帮助参加者提高成绩。一次马拉松赛事里可能会有三小时,三个半小时,四小时等不同时段的兔子。

净成绩 /Chip Time:跑步赛事中参赛者都会配戴记时芯片。净成绩即指芯片记录的成绩。为何很多时候净成绩会和比赛成绩不一样?因为跑步活动一般参加人数众多,比赛成绩起始时间以枪响为准,而每个人通过起点线的时间却是不同的。

Taper:在参加大项赛事前的几周,跑者会减少训练量,得到更好的休息,为比赛储备更多的能量,这就是 Taper。

醣原负荷法/Carbo-Loading:参加比赛前,即在 Taper 阶段,饮食中增加含糖更高的食物,为比赛储备能量。

霸跑者 /Bandit:因为没报上名,Bandit 们决定在比赛中混进人群照样参赛。

分段 /Splits:将一次长跑划分为数段,每一段就是一个 split。negative splits(后段加速)指比赛的后半段比前半段更快,一般认为这样更好。

波士顿资格 /Boston Qualifier:简称 BQ,指参加波士顿马拉松的资格。能获得 BQ 对于每一个跑者都是一种荣誉的象征,因为 BQ 的要求实在太高!


心率/BPM:Beats Per Minute。跑步时每分钟心跳的次数。


内旋 /Pronation:跑步时脚掌内旋的程度。有正常内旋(normal pronation)、过度内旋(over pronation)和内旋不足(under pronation)三种。

靶心率/Target Heart Rate:在从事有氧活动时,为了得到心肺最大的锻炼效果而需要达到的心率范围。这个范围一般是能达到的最大心率的 65%-80%。

无氧阈/Anaerobic Threshold(AT):更通俗的名称是乳酸门槛。指长跑中有氧活动转变为无氧活动,乳酸开始堆积的时候。通过合理的训练可以提高无氧阈,减少乳酸的形成。



延迟性肌肉酸痛/DOMS:在长距离跑步 24-48 小时后的肌肉酸痛,在上下楼梯等时候更明显。

跑步膝/Runner’s Knee:在跑者群体中最常见的劳损,由于过多的训练造成。

外胫夹/Shin Splints:常见跑步伤痛之一,由于跑步造成的围绕胫骨处的疼痛。

足底筋膜炎/Plantar Fasciitis:训练过量造成的脚底的疼痛。

髂胫束综合症/ITBS:髂胫束指腿上从膝盖外侧大腿外侧臀部下,到在膝关节外侧小腿上的部位。ITBS 则指这段部位的损伤、疼痛。


个人最好成绩PB/Personal Best:只要你有成绩,就是那个最快的成绩,不管你是在那个比赛中跑出来的,甚至可以是你在幼儿园跑出来的。

赛季最好成绩SB/season Best:本年(赛季)内你的最好成绩,不管你是在大冬还是在三伏天跑出来的。

赛会最好成绩CB/Course Best:同一比赛可能跑了很多次,成绩最好的那次。


这句话的意思是“在3个小时内跑马拉松”。在马拉松中,每个整数小时,以及中间的半小时档,大家都格外看中,并且也往往以这种成绩作为目标来激励自己训练,于是就有“Sub X”的说法,也就是全程马拉松跑进X小时的意思。例如 Sub3,Sub330等等。



